Purification - Chloride & Halogen Removal
a standard high performance, high porosity, high surface area activated alumina product to be used in the dechlorination of natural gas, naphtha, off-gas, and light liquid hydrocarbons
a high capacity, promoted alumina product for the removal of inorganic chlorides in either gas or liquid applications such as natural gas, naphtha, refinery off-gas or light to medium range, liquid hydrocarbons.
a high performance zinc oxide-calcium oxide product for the removal of inorganic chlorides in either gas or liquid applications such as natural gas, naphtha, refinery off-gas or light, liquid hydrocarbons.
a very high porosity, high surface area metal carbonate product for the removal of chlorides in natural gas, naphtha, off-gases, and light liquid hydrocarbon streams. CR-60’s operating range is ambient to 250F for chloride levels as high as 1,000 ppm.
a very high porosity, high surface area zinc oxide product for the removal of chlorides in natural gas, naphtha, off-gases, and light liquid hydrocarbon streams.
a high capacity, promoted Zeolite for the removal of inorganic and organic chlorides in either gas or liquid applications such as natural gas, naphtha, refinery off-gas or light to medium range, liquid hydrocarbons.