Syngas - Reforming
NG-600 Series
a nickel-based, 6-hole cylinder, secondary reforming catalyst with a cemented carrier. NG-600-6H has a very high temperature tolerance carrier matrix and a shape-optimized, 6-hole cylinder with convex ends designed to balance strength, activity and pressure drop requirements for severe service requirements.
NG-605 Series
has a very high temperature tolerant carrier matrix and a shape-optimized, 6-hole cylinder with convex ends designed to balance strength, activity and pressure drop requirements for severe service applications in secondary reforming units in hydrogen, ammonia, SynGas and methanol plants. NG-605-6H has excellent resistance to breakage and dusting during loading.
NG-610 Series
a nickel based catalyst with an alpha alumina carrier for primary steam reforming units in hydrogen, ammonia, Syngas and methanol plants. NG-610-6H is a 6-hole cylinder with convex ends that is shape optimized to provide low pressure drop and high external surface area for high catalyst activity. In typical steam to dry-gas (S/DG) operations, NG-610-6H operates well with S/DG ratios of 2.8 or higher and exhibits very good sulfur resistance. In CO2 rich feed stocks, NG-610-6H can operate with an S/C ratio as low as 2.5.
NG-611 Series
a nickel-based, primary reformer catalyst for operation in low S/C, high CO2 recycle, or heavy hydrocarbon feed stocks. NG-611-6H is targeted for steam to dry gas ratios of 2.5 or higher, but in CO2 rich gas feeds, NG-611-6H can operate as lows as 1.5 S/C ratio.
NG-612 Series
a slightly potash promoted, nickel based catalyst with an alkali based carrier for the top layer in primary steam reforming units in hydrogen, ammonia, SynGas and methanol plants with heavy feed stocks. NG-612-6H provides dual protection against carbon cracking and sulfur poisoning. The potash promotion protects against cracking due to heavy gas for a wide range of operational conditions such as pure LPG or Propane feed. The alkali based carrier is also more sulfur tolerant than traditional reforming catalyst with alumina or magnesium based carriers. NG-612-6H has excellent resistance to breakage and dusting during loading.
NG-615 Series
provides dual protection against carbon cracking and sulfur poisoning. The potash promotion protects against cracking due to heavy gas for a wide range of operational conditions such as pure Butane feed. The alkali based carrier is also more sulfur tolerant than traditional reforming catalyst with alumina or magnesium based carriers. NG-615-4K is specifically designed for steam reformers running heavy hydrocarbon feed stocks such as straight run naphtha. NG-615-4K’s design will prevent coke formation in the top portion of the reformer, while enabling the plant to use extremely heavy feedstock for hydrogen generation.
NG-710 Series
a nickel based primary steam reforming catalyst with an alpha alumina carrier and Unicat’s new, ultra-low pressure drop, patent pending, MAH (Multi-Axial Hole) design.
Midrex Dri Series
an inert reforming catalyst for use in the very bottom MIDREX reformers.
a low activity Ni reforming catalyst for use in MIDREX reformers. It is best suited for use in the lower section of the reformer in MIDREX units.
a medium activity Ni reforming catalyst for use in MIDREX reformers or as ultra large size type in ammonia secondary reformers. It is best suited for use in the middle or lower section of the reformer in MIDREX units.
a high activity Ni reforming catalyst for use in MIDREX reformers or as ultra large size type in ammonia secondary reformers. It is best suited for use in the top to middle or entire section of the reformer in MIDREX reformers or very top layer in secondary reformers underneath the heat shield.
an ultra-high activity Ni reforming catalyst for use in the top section of MIDREX reformers.